Work Injuries – Free Legal Advice In Work injury Cases UAE
Work Injuries – Free Legal Advice In Work injury Cases UAE
Work Injuries – Free Legal Advice In Work injury Cases UAE
The first article of the UAE Labor Law No. 33 of 2021 AD defines a work injury as being infected with one of the occupational diseases specified in the schedule issued by a decision of the Council of Ministers, or any other injury arising while the worker is performing work or because of it, and it is considered as a work injury. Every accident that is proven to have occurred to the worker while he was going to or returning from work, without stopping or deviating from the normal route.
In the event that the worker suffers a work injury or an occupational disease, Article 37 defines the obligations of the employer as follows:
- Bear the expenses of the worker’s treatment until he recovers and is able to return to work or prove his disability.
- If a work injury or an occupational disease prevents the worker from performing his work, the employer must pay the worker the equivalent of his full wages for the duration of the treatment or for a period of (6) six months, whichever is less. If the treatment period exceeds (6) six months, Half of the wages shall be paid to him for another (6) six months, or until the worker is cured, or his disability or death is proven, whichever comes first.
- If the work injury or occupational disease leads to the death of the worker, the family of the deceased shall be entitled to compensation equal to the basic wage of the worker for a period of (24) twenty-four months, provided that the value of the compensation is not less than (18,000) eighteen thousand dirhams and not more than (200,000) Two hundred thousand dirhams, and the value of the compensation is calculated according to the basic wage that the worker was receiving before his death, and the compensation is distributed to the beneficiaries of the deceased worker, while preserving the rights of the deceased’s family from the end-of-service gratuity, and any other financial entitlements owed to the worker.
Article 38 defines cases where the worker is not entitled to work injury compensation, as it affirms the following:
The worker is not entitled to compensation for a work injury, if it is proven through the investigations of the competent authorities that any of the following cases have been achieved:
- The worker deliberately injures himself for any reason.
- The injury occurred under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or other psychotropic substances.
- The injury occurred as a result of an intentional violation of the preventive instructions announced in visible places in the workplace.
- The injury occurred as a result of willful misconduct on the part of the worker.
- The worker refused, without serious reason, to examine him or to follow the treatment decided by the medical authority.
Work Injuries – Free Legal Advice In Work injury Cases UAE
Work Injuries – Mohamed Al Marzooqi Advocates & Legal Consultancy .
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“Work Injuries – Free Legal Advice In Work injury Cases UAE”